Grey's Quote Of The Day

Posted by Candace | 6:15 PM | | 0 comments »

ALEX: "Morning, Dr. Model."
IZZIE: "Dr. Evil Spawn."
ALEX: "Ooooh, nice tat. Do they airbrush that out for the catalogs?"
IZZIE: "I don't know. What do they do for the 666 on your skull?"

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"Freedom"....Sweet Freedom!

Posted by Candace | 9:35 AM | | 0 comments »

I must say that I was exstatic with the season finale of Grey's. In the episode rightfully titled as "Freedom", we finally get to see Meredith tackle her relationship issues head-on...And this time the result actually gave me chills.

Now you know that you're a Grey's addict when you are sitting on your couch with tears in your eyes and snot constantly flowing from your orafices. I had my hand over my mouth as if Meredith was standing there being told that "this is where our kitchen is going to be...." And "...This is where the kids will play."

If you can imagine a dude down on one knee and the girl standing there with her hand over her mouth in surprise...That was what my doofy behind was doing when I saw Meredith standing in a field of candles yelling at herself.

Even though Meredith and Derek's reunion was something everyone had been hoping and praying for(or was I the only one?), we can't forget everything that was going on with everyone else.

Alex had a huge amount of emotions going on with him as well. I was definitely on that emotional rollercoatster with him as he kept repeating over and over again to Izzy, "I've done this before....I've done this before...I've done this before."

We finally got to see Alex breakdown and have a moment. I loved the scene that followed the big "mind your business you stupid bitch!" Alex walks into the room and tells Rebecca that he called her husband and found out that he'd taken the baby and left months ago as well as what she had been diagnosed with...And Rebecca apologized and pointed out that she had tried so hard to be that person that he could trust and depend on. The scene at the end of the episode when Izzie came into his bedroom and made sure that he knew she was sorry for what had happened not only to Rebecca but his mother. Alex finally broke down...just wanting something...anything to comfort him so all that pain would subside.

Cristina, of course, had been struggling with the fact that the man she once loved was out there receiving prestigious awards and not even acknowledging her or giving credit where credit was due. She was starting to lose that fire that we love about her. She couldn't find a common ground with Hahn. She couldn't get her to teach her. But Meredith swoops in to rescue her best friend and gives her the sacred sparkley pager and Cristina does a complete 180. The scene where she tells the chief that she can get to a clot in cement boy's heart and Hahn tries once again to undermine her abilities and put her down was very powerful scene. Cristina was done playing nice and was threw kissing ass. She finally got her mojo back!

George finally stood up for himself and his abilities as a doctor and was finally given an opportunity to re-take his exam. FINALLY!! I mean seriously? Seriously!?

Mark actually played Mr. Advice to Callie as opposed to trying to get her alone in the on-call room. I almost felt bad for him as he watched in the background as Callie and Hahn were kissing outside the hospital. As he was walking away I yelled towards the tv that I would definitely be up for keeping him company that night. Yes I am crazy...Deal with it!

Dr. Bailey finally realized that she just can't "do EVERYTHING and HAVE EVERYTHING." And I think when Izzy came to her aking advice on what to do about Alex, Miranda took that opportunity to test Izzy to see if she could step up to the plate. And she definitely hit it out of the park when she took charge and did what she had to do not only for her patient, but her friend too.

I was cheering when the Chief got in Dr. Hahn's ass about her needing to learn how to teach her students. I almost felt bad for her when I saw Cristina sitting right behind her listening...But my pity only lasted a few seconds and I was back to gloating with Cristina over her victory.

But I am glad that she took heed to what the chief said to Hahn and finally sat Lexie down and started teaching her.

I was overwhelemed with all that kissing in the end. I think Cristina should have tracked down Mark and just kissed him for the heck of it so she wouldn't feel left out on all that action. I mean every character was kissing someone at the end of the episode except Cristina and Mark...No I don't have an agenda!

I almost wanted to die during that whole time near the end when Derek and Meredith were trying to track each other down. I'm looking at the clock like "We only got 4 minutes left, people! Do you not have enough technology to get in touch with each other?!!"

I commend Derek on telling Meredith to wait there while he goes to talk to Rose because he wanted to be able to kiss her the way he wanted to kiss her without having it on his conscience. Just a reminder of what an incredible man he is...But as he was walking away one could only wonder what is going to happen when the new season begins? I felt like there was something looming in the distance...What I don't know...Check out the video below:

My behind will be plopped down on my couch the second the new season begins.


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Music From "Freedom" Episode

Posted by Candace | 9:20 AM | | 0 comments »

"Freedom" definitely delivered, causing me to have even more questions than ever before! The music was definitely a thing of beauty. Below is a list of the music played during the episode (if I missed one, please let me know):

1. "Death To All His Friends" - Coldplay: Meredith and Derek express their frustration with the climical trials. Derek, Mark, and the Chief overlook the city from Derek's plot of land.
2. "Mercy" - Duffy: Dr. Bailey is trying to see the "bigger picture." Callie and Mark have sex in the on-call room while he talks dirty to her about Hahn.
3. "Heavy Eyes" - The Rosewood Thieves: The Chief talks with Meredith. Doctor Wyatt and Meredith finally have a breakthrough. Derek reluctantly agrees to move up Jeremy's and Beth's surgeries.
4. "Dream" - Priscilla: Alex helps Rebecca in the shower. Jeremy undresses and kisses Beth. Derek and Meredith discuss the art of pimping before Meredith has to distract Rebecca's parents (Hilarious).
5. "Giving Up" - Ingrid Michaelson: Alex rushes to help Rebecca. Derek calls time of death for Jeremy and storms out. Derek and Meredith enter Beth's room to tell her the news. Derek chucks the champagne in the trash.
6. "The Cure For Pain" - Jon Foreman: Meredith tells Dr. Wyatt that her mother told her to be extraordinary. George is mad at Lexie cause she told him about his test results. Izzie tries to get through to Alex.
7. "Hometown Glory" - Adele: Andrew(cement boy) starts to crash. Derek has a weird talk with Rose. Cristina begins to operate on Andrew. The Chief sticks up for Cristina with Hahn.
8. "Quest" - Bryn Christopher: Derek is looking for Meredith with champagne in hand. The chief goes home to talk to Adele. Montage of dang near all the characters kissing each other.
9. "Keep Me Warm" - Ida Maria: Derek finally finds Meredith in her field of candles.

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New Music Player

Posted by Candace | 3:59 AM | | 1 comments »

I decided to go ahead and add in a music player. It, of course, plays songs from various Grey's episodes. If you have any requests, feel free to let me know and I will add them in there. But the ones on there right now are just a few of my favs. They are constant reminders of some of my favorite scenes.

I feel compelled to give an example...You know the song called Grace, by Kate Havnevik? Every fellow Grey's addict knows that's from the scene between Derek & Meredith in the exam room at the "prom."

Anytime I hear the song I can hear Derek in my head talking about "Do you think I wanna look at you...."


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My Grey's Addiction

Posted by Candace | 1:58 AM | , , | 0 comments »

From the moment that I saw this woman wake up naked on the couch and pull the blanket off of the gorgeous stranger on her floor, I was hooked. The embarrassment, the awkward moments, and then finally the exchange of names and introductions...Priceless!

Here's a video of it, just in case you wanted to check it out for the 100th time like me.

I was taken on a journey with this woman named Meredith...feeling the awe and the fear right along with her while she stood in that operating room with a bunch of other strangers who would soon become her "competition" and meeting the Dr. Bailey whom everyone referred to as the "Nazi" and it was in no time that we found out why. I was able to get a grasp on some of the other interns' personalities and quirks. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better, Meredith finds out that the stranger that she had taken home the night before was actually her boss! The moment they shared in the stairwell was, for lack of a better word, incredible.The way he stared at her, the flirtation...It was perfection.

He was drunk, vulnerable, and good looking and yes, given the chance, I'm sure we all would have taken advantage! Let's watch that moment again, shall we? Skip over to the 1:00 minute mark to watch that unforgettable moment between Derek & Meredith.

I'm beyond addicted now. So for those of you who share that same addiction...This Blog's for you.

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